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Support Information for Network Builders

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Raspberry PI Operating System Issue

The new Raspberry OS, "Bookworm" has been released and I'm not ready for that yet. This new OS, released October 11, 2023, is what we want to be using and at some point in November 2023 I hope to be ready to use it. In the mean time you'll have to be running Bullseye which is "Raspberry PI OS Other" then "Raspberry PI OS (Legacy)" or it'll break the installer. See details here:

noobs_icon setup_raspberry_pi_to_be_node_button
tnc_radio_icon_100x70 tnc_and_radio_adjust_and_test385x44
tnc_radio_icon_100x70 tarpn_command_in_linux_button
tnc_radio_icon_100x70 g8bpq_node_commands

NinoTNC Control Panel Chat Service
TARPN-HOME Web Application BBS on your PI
Radios + Wiring Power & Backup BPQ Extensions
QT-Term Debug a Poor Link Cabinetry
SSH to Raspberry PI tarpn host Minicom Access with Python
Ham Radio Dealers Parts/Tools/Antennas TNC-PI (discontinued)
Site Construction -- think about the details
Raspberry PI resources
G8BPQ Resources

If you are in a terminal session to the Raspberry PI, control C can cancel many operations including a G8BPQ node test session. pislice_n40935cr
n40935cr_pilogo To shut-down the PI, you must give a command tarpn shutdown and then watch the lights on the PI. The left two LEDs will go out, then the green LED will blink rapidly and then go out, leaving just the red power light. Now the Raspberry PI is ready to be powered off.
You can change the hostname after-the-fact and many other options by running
sudo raspi-config
You can run this via a SSH session from your workstation. Use the cursor keys to select Advanced.

If you ever try to reboot your Raspberry PI and it hangs instead of coming up, you may need to update the firmware on the PI.
Skip this if you don't have a reliable robust Raspberry PI power supply. Update your firmware by downloading the Hexxeh firmware updater using
sudo apt-get install rpi-update
and then run it using
sudo rpi-update.
You will need to do a reboot after running the install. Don't do this unless you have a robust power supply since a power-off during the update could be bad.

tarpn update will download the latest TARPN custom scripts and applications. it will temporarily kick your node off the air however.
tarpn updateapps will update the OS and many installed drivers, applications including the G8BPQ node software, and utilities. This can only be run if the node is not running .

© Tadd Torborg, 2014↝2022 -- all rights reserved